Read some stories that have impacted our clients' businesses

"We found in PaP a very well organized process, preparation of qualified material for the search of projects and a team engaged in all stages with stimulating results that bring us great expectations in the continuity and success of this endeavor".

"I would recommend PaP for its clarity in negotiation, alignment of return expectations, commitment of the operational team and the results achieved."

"We see that all the methodology developed and perfected by the company over the years allows the goals to be met and the results to always be within expectations."

"This rewarding experience has led us to renew our contract with PAP and thereby enrich our pipeline towards a successful year."

"PaP is a company that is 100% concerned with project results and customer satisfaction. These differentials were crucial to the success of the partnership between BRMalls' media area and PaP."

"A PaP é uma empresa séria, com processos bem definidos e organizados. Por mais tecnológica que seja, o lado humano também é um ponto forte da empresa. A Chá das 5 super recomenda a PaP!"

"The commitment, seriousness and quality in meeting our demands, made it evident that the partnership will lead to the closing of new projects in new segments."

"Recomendo a PaP pela seriedade, transparência, estrutura do processo e reports constantes. A PaP oferece um trabalho profissional."

"A parceria com a PaP Solutions foi decisiva para alcançarmos novos patamares em nosso desenvolvimento empresarial. A equipe da PaP, com seu comprometimento e expertise, superou nossas expectativas, gerando resultados expressivos que refletem diretamente no sucesso da Cymeon."

"PaP delivered far beyond our expectation, delivering on everything we were promised from the business proposal, through the contract and changes in between."

"Your help is of great value to Editora Globo and I have security in counting on competent and experienced professionals like you."

"Sua expertise em estratégias de prospecção e comprometimento com as metas contribuiu para fortalecer e aumentar a presença da eduK no mercado de ESG.”

Engineering Company

"No período foram agendadas 18 reuniões com empresas interessadas em receber uma proposta e outras tantas pediram um contato futuro para tratar de negócios."


"Foram agendadas 145 reuniões com empresas de grande porte do setor industrial e hospitalar, interessadas em receber uma proposta."

"A Faxon está muito satisfeita com o trabalho da PAP. Os resultados apresentados tem sido muito bons, estamos confiantes no sucesso da parceria no futuro."

"In a market as competitive as health insurance, PaP demonstrated the ability to prospect highly qualified leads for our company. I appreciate the partnership."

"PaP, today, is the largest single deal generator for the acquisition pipeline using the net revenue metric, 20% higher than the second generator."

"Recomendamos a PAP a qualquer empresa que esteja em busca de soluções eficazes de prospecção de clientes. O trabalho deles é exemplar, e a parceria tem sido extremamente valiosa para nós."

"PaP delivered far beyond our expectation, delivering on everything we were promised from the business proposal, through the contract and changes in between."


"A PaP está sempre à disposição para alinhar novas estratégias e aprender novas formas de contatar potenciais clientes, a depender do negócio que será vendido."

"A transparência e o comprometimento da equipe, evidenciados pelos relatórios periódicos, foram cruciais para o aprimoramento das nossas ações de vendas."


"Foram agendadas 19 reuniões com empresas interessadas, de médio e grande porte de nicho muito específico, e outras tantas para negociação futura."

"We are very happy to have a competent partner who shares our values."

“A forma da PAP de trabalhar, organizada, com bastante reporte sobre os números, sobre a estratégia, facilitou bastante o nosso crescimento comercial e principalmente de mercado.”

"We are happy with the partnership with PaP, those involved in our process are people who are willing and interested in solving the problems presented."

"The advantages of being able to outsource prospecting with an experienced company like PaP, is that we have metrics and reports sent to us periodically so that data analysis can be done and we can seek even more assertiveness in sales and meeting scheduling."

"The results were positive, even though the work had been carried out at the time of the pandemic, we were able to reach companies interested in our services that we certainly would not have reached without PAP's support"

“Nosso entendimento é que a PAP tem um processo muito bem definido e com foco total na prospecção dessa forma consegue gerar um bom número de Leads"

"PaP has effectively studied and crafted one of the best activation projects in the card market."

“Com processos muito bem definidos, os resultados começam a aparecer rapidamente. Obrigado PaP por todo suporte e aprendizado."

"We are happy and reassured as we are sure that PaP is always looking for the best, as well as understanding our main objective."

"When we started our project, we didn't think we would be so successful."

"This is why Editora Três has chosen PaP as its exclusive partner in this type of new business for the corporate market."

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Some Customers who have honoured us with their trust

We serve companies of all sizes and segments.