Collecting testimonials

The best time for you to request a testimonial is right after you have delivered the service/product.

Say or write it like this:

"Hi so-and-so,

We are redoing/improving our website and I wanted to ask you, even though I know you must be very busy, to take a little time to give us a testimonial.

This will help us too much, to give even more credibility to our company.

If you were happy with our delivery, you could, in two or three sentences or more if you feel it necessary, tell us why you decided on our company and whether you were satisfied with the result.

If I can't, I'll understand, no problem.

Thank you very much, in advance."

Half of the customers you make this request to will serve you. The other half won't have time to serve you.

Of course, I start from the premise that you deliver above expectations, most of the time.

Well, customer testimonials are irrefutable social proof.

Not only does it show that you satisfy companies to the point of giving you a testimonial, it demonstrates the care you take to make that fact public, so that new customers can learn a little more about the results you provide.

Publish the testimonials on your website, on the home page, and put logos of the companies you serve.

In addition to posting on your website, use testimonials in your follow up materials. Instead of charging for a return, send a case with a customer testimonial. It always looks good.

I created an organized process for collecting testimonials and use them for a long time.

These are their corporate "diplomas" and "certificates".

Stavros Frangoulidis
Stavros Frangoulidis
CEO da PaP Solutions ⚡ Vamos conectar também no Linkedin

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