
Yesterday my text came out with the word cace (to hunt) written with two esses, i.e. "casse".

I even noticed this error, corrected it, but did not save the final document and the text came out with a "casse".

How long did I moan? 4 seconds.

When this happened a few years ago, I would get sick.

I wanted to be Mr. Perfecty because I couldn't stand criticism. So I produced very little, because of a neurotic disorder called perfectionism.

Since things always had to come out perfect, they rarely did.

Nothing will ever be perfect.

Even the best product will need improvement. It will have flaws. It will disappoint some. It will delight many, but disappoint some.

Failures are inherent, they are part of the thing. They are latent. They are certain.

I'm not saying to be lax and relaxed about quality, but not to be obsessive. Otherwise, almost nothing comes out, and when it does, it will certainly have flaws and potential for improvement as well.

Another thing. Some typos, which I don't do on purpose 🙂 give my text more humanity.

You see, this is not an advertising text read in the Jornal Nacional, but a conversation between two friends.

So forgive me my mistakes, will you?

Your best product, your best text, training, machine, paint, service, building, whatever you produce and deliver, has and will have flaws.

Work relentlessly to correct them all, before delivery, and revise, revise, and revise. Test. Test some more. Create previous internal experiences.

Get people to test it, use it, and then release it slowly to the market.

Even so, improvements will be necessary and some flaws will appear.

There is a very fine line between acceptable quality and not.

It depends on the service. The basic promise should be delivered flawlessly and with maximum security. Now the ancillary one will probably be flawed.

I'll take a dirty seat but I won't repeat an airline that passed me an inch of insecurity. You get the picture.

In the IT industry, this is very prominent. You create the product and release it in minimal usability conditions. Why? Because who will correct it will be the feedback from the users. In its version number 10, maybe it is ok, with a minimum quality of usability and functionality.

In prospecting for clients, I say the same thing. Many entrepreneurs want to have everything perfect and they take too long to start. And they take, and they take. In the meantime, the market is in full swing.

Do the planning, set up your entry strategy and get started. In two weeks the market will pass you the corrections.

Want to launch a good product? Launch a more or less product and submit it.

The time-honored practice of MVP comes into play.

MVP stands for Minimum Viable Product and means minimum viable product.

It is a business management practice that consists in launching a new product or service with the lowest possible investment, to test the business before making large investments.

An MVP is a minimal version of the product, with only the functionalities necessary for it to fulfill the function for which it was planned. The MVP is used to test the product's efficiency, usability, market acceptance, and comparison with the competition, among other ways of validating.

After this validation stage, the product is developed and improved again, and only after this does it win the market itself, with investment in marketing and so on.


With this practice I saw dozens of products launched this year. We here launched five. One came out strong. Another two are still trying. We buried two.

Why all this?

Because the market is almost unpredictable and you need malleability. Create values. Make offers. Transition, fit, adapt, attend. The plastered one is already dead. Only he doesn't know, like a ghost.

So let's recap and strategy.

The perfect one is at home talking to himself and planning. The perfect one produces almost nothing for fear of being imperfect.

Your new product has value. Of that I am sure. Test, test, and retest. But unleash the bug and put it (submit it, shove it, inject it, introduce it) into the minds of at least 100 people in your market.

Interlocution will fix a lot of things. You not only win customers, but also improve your competitiveness.

In a short time you have the muscle, not only to deliver, but also to create what your market asks for.

Perfect never, but very close to excellence.

Stavros Frangoulidis
Stavros Frangoulidis
CEO da PaP Solutions ⚡ Vamos conectar também no Linkedin

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