Prospect monitoring

You need to monitor four areas in your prospecting output:

UM. Volume of total connections

It is how many times the prospect has tried to connect by phone with the prospected companies. This includes all the calls, the ones that worked and the ones that didn't. This number needs to be monitored and, together with the volume of significant calls, shows the density of the prospecting.

TWO. Volume of significant connections

Here you measure the amount of calls where you have managed to pass the offer or request or CTA (Call to Action) to the prospect. Only calls where the prospect got to speak to a person and got a forward or even no interest response count. These are the significant calls.

THREE. Companies being prospected

Check the volume of companies being prospected on a daily basis. Here we are talking about how many companies are being approached, whether by phone calls or e-mails sent on a daily basis. This data also needs to be presented in an accumulative way for each campaign.

A company being prospected is one that is in your prospecting funnel, ready to be approached or has already been approached and is evaluating the opportunity.

Companies that have not shown interest and those that have scheduled a qualification call or meeting should also be extracted from the list of companies being prospected.

FOUR. Quality of calls

Listen to two to three calls a day and see if the following six requirements are being met by the prospect:

  • Intonation: It was calm, paused and at the same time positive, animated.
  • Language: He used a language without slangs and fashions.
  • Content: Disserted in accordance with the specific cadence scripts.
  • Argumentation: He handled the objections calmly, without hastiness or rushing.
  • Benefits: He spoke about the benefits of the proposed approach and was specific about the segment of the prospected company.
  • Request (CTA): made clear the objective of the call, i.e. what the prospect is asked to do is said in a direct and objective way.

We talk about what to measure.

Now we will see what to do when numbers are below targets:

Working with numbers is cruel, because objective metrics do not make room for explanations, even if these are important for learning. However, the number of 40 connections is 40 and that's it. Could it be 70? Could it be 70? It was supposed to be 70 and it was 40? We have a challenge. It is from the result that performance is measured.

If it is below, check with the SDR, what the offenders are, among them could be lack of:

  • Motivation
  • Energy
  • Ability
  • Physical structure
  • Focus
  • Clarity
  • Training

A sincere conversation can work. If it is still bad, it is necessary to point out the corrections as soon as possible and reinforce the training with the prospect. If the problem persists, it is time to evaluate whether the requested role is consistent with the profile of the prospect who is active in the campaign.

Stavros Frangoulidis
Stavros Frangoulidis
CEO da PaP Solutions ⚡ Vamos conectar também no Linkedin

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