Serving the market

Yesterday I gave an interview to the portal with a focus on corporate prospecting.

We talk about some concepts and practices, within what I believe is the best current version for you to gain your space in the market. is the main online vehicle focused on Administration, business, career and related areas in the country.

More than 2 million people are connected to through the main social networks (Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Linkedin, etc) and with more 300,000 registered users. has already received several awards due to the quality of its content and the relevance of its work.

So we are talking here about a heavyweight of the Brazilian corporate media.

So far so good.

Can I be considered a notoriety for giving that interview?

No, I can't.

What is a notoriety, first of all?

  • Quality, state or condition of one who or of what is notorious; condition of one who or what is public knowledge.
  • Social importance, fame stemming from an individual's actions, opinions considered valuable by society; notability.

From the moment you consider yourself a notorious, you position yourself as someone who knows more than others, which somehow puts you "above" in debates.

Your ideas will be better accepted and more believed.

And then their problems begin.

You stop learning, you stop asking questions, you lose your curiosity, all in order to arrogate to yourself your so-called notorious knowledge, cling to your maxims and defend your own points of view.

When it reaches that point, the market punishes. It is the real master of reason.

In corporate sales, you have to know how to sell. Only. All your attitudes need and should be pro-market.

If you serve your market (and not your ego) and constantly prostrate yourself before its teachings, then yes, you can be sure that it will reciprocate.

Did you let your ego take over? You're screwed.

Look on your timeline on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and Linkedin. See how many professionals are extolling their own achievements with photos giving talks, interviews, winning awards and everything else that sends the message: "Look how good and important I am.

That kind of attitude serves one's own ego.

What would it help my audiences (prospects, leads and customers) if, for example, I posted an image of me teaching a course inside a crowded classroom? Nothing. Zero.

When you put yourself above your market, you will be punished.

Be low profile, don't get carried away, keep a humble head, keep learning, study, talk to people, talk to as many people as you can, every day. Be an active player.

The only notorious one is the market and we must be its servant. There yes, we can pronounce what we are learning, because the teaching comes from it.

I would like to declare my admiration for the professionalism and quality of the work done by the staff of Portal Administradores, starting with its CEO, Leandro Vieira, and the directors Diogo Lins, Simão Mairins and Fábio Bandeira, and thank them for the opportunity to talk to their subscribers and viewers in general.

It was an honour, a great pleasure and a unique chance to serve.

Thank you very much.

To watch the interview, click here:

Stavros Frangoulidis
Stavros Frangoulidis
CEO da PaP Solutions ⚡ Vamos conectar também no Linkedin

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