You are much more convincing than you think

If I put you face to face with two dozen entrepreneurs, you can make yourself relevant to how many?

I was once invited to give a 90-minute talk on corporate prospecting to an important group of business people who met monthly.

At the end I could make my sales pitch offering PaP's products and services.

I tried to find out who these entrepreneurs and their companies were so that I could tailor my offer and try to get as many as possible right.

I realised that the diversity was too great and that there would be no reliable common denominator.

I decided to talk about cases in related segments.

There were only 10 gifts. After 30 days, I had closed deals with two of them. One of the contracts was the second biggest of my year.

So it's not a question of quantity, but of relevance and authenticity.

The more authentic and relevant you position yourself at a corporate event, where you have the opportunity to present yourself, the more likely you are to walk away with business.

Talk about the main specific results that your company generates for clients. Give examples with real cases.

Speak calmly, slowly. Avoid showing anxiety. Be flexible and proactive. And always be authentic.

And so you will be much more convincing than you think.

There are people who need your exact solutions and there are people who don't. But if you don't talk to your market you will be left in the dark.

Corporate events, trade fairs and the like are nothing more than meetings. Everyone will be there to do business. Not only to sell, but to buy as well.

By participating, you will:

  • Present your solutions in person to potential buyers.
  • Broaden your range of business relationships in just a few hours.
  • To have the possibility of not only capturing clients but also forming strategic partnerships.
  • Optimise your time, since in a single event you will present your company and solutions to dozens of potential interested parties.

This type of event brings you face to face with dozens of potential clients and partners in a few hours.

The more you participate, the more business you will do.

Now, you will have to address it. And be sure of one thing. You're much more convincing than you think. Go for it.

Stavros Frangoulidis
Stavros Frangoulidis
CEO da PaP Solutions ⚡ Vamos conectar também no Linkedin

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